UKCISA Fest 2023- reflections from QM’s nominated student

UKCISA Fest 2023- reflections from QM’s nominated student

Mahak was nominated and chosen to attend UKCISA Fest 2023. She did an excellent job representing Queen Mary’s international students. Mahak is an UG Law student from India.

Mahak said the following about the event:

Throughout this initiative, attending insightful seminars has been a highlight of my experience. These seminars covered a range of topics, including navigating global networks for a quality UK experience, using evidence to advocate for international students, and the power of storytelling to inspire others. The platform has been instrumental in amplifying our voices as international students, fostering a sense of empowerment and ensuring that our perspectives are heard and valued.

One notable aspect of the initiative was a captivating speech by Lord Karan Bilimoria. His emphasis on the importance of international students in shaping a global perspective deeply resonated with me. His words reinforced the idea that each of us plays a vital role in creating positive change. It was an inspiring moment that further fueled my commitment to making a positive impact during my time as an international student.

Additionally, the initiative provided an invaluable opportunity to connect with other international students, each with their unique stories and perspectives. Together, we have formed a diverse community with a shared goal of making a difference. This collaborative environment has been enriching and has expanded my understanding of the global community.

Thank you Mahak, for representing Queen Mary international students so well. Let’s keep in mind Lord Bilimoria’s statement that each of us plays a vital role in creating positive change.